A Ramble
Today’s post is going to be a rambling one, as whilst I’d had every intention of making this post a deep and meaningful one, it’s late, I have a 5:30am call time tomorrow (yes you read that right, 5:30AM!) and I have about a zillion other things on my mind, which unfortunately don’t provide much in terms of deep and meaningful topics of conversations. I can however treat you to the delights of my current brain activity with a spew of whatever pops into my head. So welcome to the second instalment of 5 (very random) things, with a new outfit post thrown in to boot.
1. The thing in the forefront of my mind is tomorrows shoot. Two shoots in fact! I have two bookings in one day, both coincidentally for sportswear/fitness clients and one after another. Apparently the first job will involve running, so I’m just hoping I won’t end up a big sweaty mess by the afternoon. Either way I’ll require a few coffees to help me through the day I’m sure because it’s going to be a long one.
2. The second thing on my mind is my holiday on Friday. I almost said trip but this one I am actually allowing myself to call a holiday. It’s going to be my 8th (I think) trip abroad this year and the 3rd trip Damien and I have had away together this year too. I’m really hoping to relax on this trip and switch off a bit. I feel like I haven’t done it in so long and I’m really ready to just chill the heck out. Out of office will be going on and I won’t be taking any phone calls!
3. Okay notice how I didn’t say ‘switch off completely’ there. The last time I switched off completely was when Damien and I went to Kos last October and I put my phone on airplane mode for a week – it was pure bliss! This time however, with it being a really busy time for work and with stuff constantly coming in, I already know I’ll find myself having to respond to at least one email. But I’m putting a restriction to it, along with how frequent I even allow myself to check my emails in the first place, because this is going to be a hol-i-dayyy after all.
4. Topic changer, but the green guitar I mentioned in my last 5 Things post, is now settled into our living room, and yes, I have been picking it up to practice on too. Now I’m no rockstar just yet but I have learnt two cords. Yes, two whole cords. As unimpressive as that may sound, it’s actually a lot further than I ever got the first time around, back when I had my uni guitar (you know the one that broke). I’m making a concious effort to pick it up and practice a bit everyday. I’ve put it out there now so this is pressure on me to have made some real progress in a year from now.
5. Back to the topic of holiday I actually can’t wait to get away and enjoy some sunshine because the weather here over the past couple of weeks hasn’t been the best. I can hardly call it summer weather and I’ve already starting pulling out those transitional pieces, like this satin trench coat I’m wearing in the pics. I’m not altogether thrilled that our UK Summer seems to be getting cut abruptly short but at the same time I must admit that a part of me is excited for Autumn clothes and pulling a few of my old jumpers back out (ughr can’t believe I actually just said that).
Okay that’s it. I’m done. This has been a most rambling, random and inconsequential blog post (I’m tired can you tell) and if you made it to the end, then hurrah and if not then hopefully you enjoyed the pictures and got something out of this outfit post. Ciao for now!
Samio x

Shoes – Topshop | Jeans – Weekday (in lighter denim here) | T-shirt – Cos | Trench Coat – Lavish Alice | Watch – Thomas Sabo | Bag – All Saints
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I LOVE the concept of this post with the video in the end! What a great look!
Have an awesome day!
xx Kris
Thank you Kris. I hope you have an awesome day too!
Samio x
hope your shoots went well and have a great time away! love this coat!
Pam xo/ Pam Scalfi♥
Thanks Pam!
Samio x
You’re learning guitar? That’s awesome and good for you. My mum used to play the guitar and so I picked one up at the age of about 16 thinking I’d be great at it but nope…I got sore fingers and ditched it after one lesson so props to you for sticking with it! You go with those two cords! haha
Julia // The Sunday Mode
I enjoy your editorials a lot, specially that part with videos, love it! Cool trench you have on dear Samio 😉
Thank you!
Samio x