First published on my Instagram 22.08.21
I feel like I’m finding my groove with fitness again, and in general just carving out more time for myself both mentally and spiritually over the past few weeks has felt great…I went through a long period of not feeling myself and struggling a lot with anxiety and a constant feeling of overwhelm. I know that I let the scales tip for a while and I’d lost control of that ever elusive thing we call balance.

These past few weeks of being back at the gym have reminded me how exercise helps my mind so much, and not just that, but also how much me time is important too. It’s something I’ve always known, but I think many of us often need a little reminder to come back to the things that truly serve us in terms of taking care of ourselves on a multitude of levels.

For me currently, I’m finding the gym, walks with Larry, working less, reading more and seeing friends and family are helping me to reset and rebalance, and feel more me again…for you it might be something completely different…but either way I hope you’re finding your own groove with things and if you don’t feel you are right now, then let this be your sign to re-assess and hopefully plan to reset. You’ve got this!
Samio x