Hello again
Coming back to this space is like reuniting with an old friend; at first it feels like a lifetime has passed, there’s a worry that things won’t quite be the same but then you get chatting and it feels like you never even had time apart.
Well here I am, back with my second blog post after my little hiatus. I was actually really looking forward to making writing a blog post the first thing on today’s to do list, which is a good sign that the time is right and it feels good to officially be back in this little corner of the internet.
I’m easing into my Monday morning with a much needed coffee, whilst the therapeutic sound of rain bouncing off the kitchen velux’s is this morning’s soundtrack. I think it will be a day of slowly working through the to do list whilst swigging copious amounts of pipping hot tea.
An autumnal atmosphere is in the air and I’m feeling the shift in seasons in more ways than one. Lots of changes have been slowly taking shape in my life over these past several weeks and months and I feel like I’m now entering into a new chapter, or I guess you could even call it, ‘life season’.
Over the weekend I celebrated my hen do with a bunch of my favourite women. I was surprised with a fun filled weekend staying in a house in the country side (which also impressively had a hot tub and pool). We did everything from life drawing (such a funny and brilliant hen do idea), a cocktail making masterclass (I can now make an awesome Pornstar Martini), karaoke (although dare I say it I feel asleep for a period on the first night, so missed that bit), lots of drinking (obviously, and hence my impromptu nap on the first night), dancing, skinny dipping (I’ll say no more on that one) and there were more comedy moments than I can count. We laughed, we cried, we had deep chats and nostalgic moments. I got to have most of my favourite women all together in one space and it was truly wonderful.
I’m now sat here feeling incredibly grateful for such a wonderful hen weekend and the amazingly fun, caring, talented, hilarious and crazy women I have in my life. I promise to stop gushing shortly, but I just can’t stop smiling looking back at all of the photos and the videos from this past weekend (many of which will not be making it to the internet). I seriously couldn’t have asked for a better hen weekend and it’s one I’ll never forget.
So What Now?
Well I’m sat here nursing the remnants of my lukewarm coffee, which is a clear sign that it’s time to pop the kettle on and make a start on my first cup of tea of the day…oh and yes, there’s that whole, getting married thing too. There will be more to come on that soon enough. But for now, I’ll leave you with some images of me looking very bridal, in the white dress and veil that I wore over the weekend. As I said over on my Instagram, don’t let these images fool you, this was my one and only sophisticated moment of the weekend, and I did in fact spill not one, but two pink G&T’s down this dress before I even arrived at the location for the hen do. So if I look at all classy, well, I really wasn’t.
Ciao for now.
Samio x

Images shot by Onyi and edited by me.